Baraka Tracking. The vessels current speed is 128 Knots and is currently inside the port of SUEZ CANALThe vessel BARAKA1 IMO. 021 84903838 Kontak Kami Kontak Marketing.
BARAKA SARANA TAMA diwilayah DKI Jakarta Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah Jalan Raya Setu Gg. Al Barakas SSF programs include. Mohon infokan infokan ke no wa ini.
353136000 is a Container Ship built in 2018 and currently sailing under the flag of Panama.
085238989339 Delete Replies Reply. Al Barakas SSF programs include. BARAKA Current Position Where is the current position of BARAKA presently. Avec une expertise de plus de 10 ans Baraka Business est un acteur majeur de lindustrie du fret aerien et maritime vente en ligne des vetements et accessoires et parrainage daffaire.